Explore Art with Trish

What is Trish doing?

  • Celebrating… Art is everywhere and the artist is everyone.
  • Admiring… Patterns of line, shape, color, texture, contrast, and much more… (find info about patterns here)
  • Navigating… Art supplies and creative techniques

Find more info about Trish here.

Where is Trish teaching?

Throughout the year, Trish teaches a variety of art workshops. Each is unique and designed to build self-confidence, strengthen muscle-memory, and nurture individual artistic style – in a relaxing creative environment where “No Mistakes” is the only rule!

Questions? This is how to contact Trish.

What is the Goal?

  • To discuss the adventure of making art as an enjoyable process of experimenting and problem-solving.
  • To learn about art by observing how others have made it and considering what might have been their goals.
  • To encourage everyone to benefit from the healing, meditative activity of mark-making.

For example, here are some notes from her three-year Garden-ish Series (including tips, techniques, and pictures)